Having a Gratitude Attitude

Greetings Parents! We feel very connected to all of you since parent-teacher conferences. Thank you for taking time to talk with us and discuss your sweet children! We have such a fun time seeing how much progress they are making. 

The Idea of the month for November is Gratitude. It’s a big word that will soon be coming out of your children’s mouths. According to the Webster Dictionary, gratitude is “the state of being grateful- thankfulness.” The Bible says in Psalm 136:1 “Give thanks to the Lord for He is good.”

God is so Good and we do have so much to be grateful for. 

As I reflect on His many blessings, I can’t help but be thankful for all of the loving children that attend our school. They make each day so fun and memorable! 

I’m so thankful for all of the involved parents (both Moms & Dads) who really connect with their children and have such warm interactions with them. Please be encouraged to keep loving and working with them the way you are doing right now; it is making a huge difference! Your children seem very secure, which gives way to a very natural progression of learning. This security is not typical when comparing notes with other preschool teachers, so I’m thankful for you because you not only make my job easier, but you make your children’s lives so much better! 

I’d also like to say how thankful I am for all of our wonderful staff! They are wonderful teachers, and I really appreciate all the love and support they give to me and the children. 

Finally, I am so thankful to be participating in the joys of parenthood! My son, Asher, is 6 years old and is loving being in the Butterfly class! Samantha is 9 and the light of my life and I am so happy to have them with me at school. To sum everything up, I’m so thankful to LOVE where I work, and I thank God for the blessing of Colorado Christian Montessori!
~ Ms. Sarah


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