Year In Review

Greetings Parents! Thank you so much for coming in for parent-teacher conferences. It was so wonderful to meet with you and discuss how much your children have progressed this year!!!  We enjoyed getting to know all of you better as well. We admire what involved, loving parents you are. Your comfortable and confident children are evidence of that! I hope we were able to convey that all of your hard work is paying off. I hope you left informed, encouraged and validated!

"Give thanks to the Lord for He is good, His love endures forever!" Psalm 107:1

The Students are excited as we get ready to end the school year with a unit on
Butterflies! They will be watching live caterpillars turn into butterflies. How fun! The five-year-olds are working on parts of speech, money and the Fifty States. The four-year-olds continue sound, letter and number recognition while the Three-year-olds work on counting, pouring, I-spy with sounds and tracing their names. The Tadpoles are excited about the Butterflies too and are trying new things each day.  It’s amazing to see how much growth has taken place this year! Students who didn’t know sounds at the beginning of the year are reading. Some who couldn’t hold a pencil now have beautiful handwriting. Students who were more reserved have blossomed, and really neat friendships have been made. This school year has been filled with wonderful experiences for both the students and staff!  We will definitely enjoy this last month of school.

Warmly ~ Ms. Sarah


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